Please Note: If you need legal assistance, please contact our main line at 202-328-5500, to arrange for a phone intake. General inquiries can be made to and individual staff members can be reached by email from


Category: See a Lawyer
Miriam's Kitchen Intake

August 21, 2019

(MK) Miriam's Kitchen - Wednesdays, 7:30 AM-8:30 AM

Miriam’s Kitchen provides individualized services to homeless individuals, such as meals, case management, art studio, and advocacy. Legal Clinic intakes take place in the back of the dining room.

2401 Virginia Avenue NW, WDC 20037
*Located at 24th & G St. in basement of Western Presbyterian Church
Bus: 80
Metro: Foggy Bottom (orange/blue line)

Phone: 202-452-8089
Fax: 202-835-8376

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