Please Note: If you need legal assistance, please contact our main line at 202-328-5500, to arrange for a phone intake. General inquiries can be made to and individual staff members can be reached by email from


Category: See a Lawyer Street Sense Intake

August 20, 2018

(SSM) Street Sense Media – Mondays, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM

Street Sense creates a range of content to raise awareness and spotlight solutions to homelessness. They offer some case management services, and provide economic opportunities through their newspaper vendor program. Clients sign up in the first floor waiting area.

1317 G Street NW, WDC 20005
*Located at Church of the Epiphany

Bus: 16E, 52, 54,
Metro: Metro Center (blue/orange/red/silver line)

Phone: 202-347-2006

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