Friends and Allies – It’s a time of transition and growth here at the Legal Clinic! As you may know, our wonderful executive director, Patty Mullahy Fugere, will retire this year after more than 35 years of service to the Legal Clinic, over 30 of which she served as executive director. Grateful for Patty’s service and leadership, and energized for the chapter that lies ahead, we are happy to share that the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless has added new roles to our organization to strengthen our work for housing justice in DC. This means that we are hiring!
We are looking forward to welcoming both attorneys and non-attorneys to the Legal Clinic team and would be grateful if you could circulate the position announcements to candidates who share our vision of housing as a human right.
Thank you for helping us to identify folks who will help us to ensure that all DC residents have a decent, safe, affordable place to call home.