We Give Thanks for Legal Clinic Volunteers
We want to take a moment to extend particular gratitude to the lawyers, paralegals, and legal assistants who donate their time to support our fight for housing justice on behalf of D.C. residents.
read morePress Release: Emergency Class Action Lawsuit Challenges Hundreds of Housing Assistance Terminations
Children’s Law Center, The Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless, and three prominent D.C. law firms filed a class action lawsuit this week with the D.C. Office of Administrative Hearings, requesting emergency relief for over 800 D.C. families facing an inevitable loss of housing due to the District’s unlawful mass terminations in the rapid re-housing program.
read moreDC Council’s Proposed “Fix” Will Increase Rent Arrears and Evictions
We urge DC Council to vote no on the Emergency Rental Assistance Reform Emergency Act of 2024 to be voted on Tuesday, October 1. The bill is bad for tenants and landlords. If passed, it will increase evictions and housing insecurity and make it harder for tenants to pay, and landlords to collect, rent. The Emergency Rental Assistance Reform Emergency Act of 2024 does not: 1. Help tenants pay rent. 2. Help landlords pay their mortgages or operating costs. 3. Remedy, or even acknowledge, the rising cost of living in D.C.—most critically that...
read moreAction Alert: Oppose Emergency Bill that Narrows Access to ERAP and Increases Evictions, Harming Both DC Tenants and Landlords
Chairman Mendelson circulated an emergency bill, to be voted on on Tuesday, October 1, that will do nothing to address the affordability crisis that both landlords and tenants are asking for assistance with. Instead, the bill will narrow eligibility for emergency rental assistance (ERAP), lengthen the amount of time it takes to process ERAP applications, and allow evictions to happen even when the landlord or the government agency is at fault for delays in ERAP payments. This bill will harm both landlords and tenants and increase evictions....
read moreOpen Letter to Mayor Bowser: Keep Families Housed Until They Transfer to Permanent Housing Programs
We are writing to ask you to halt the exits of families in rapid re-housing until the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the D.C. Housing Authority (DCHA) can complete the housing voucher eligibility and lease-up process for the significant number of vouchers that are available now or by October 1.
read moreRapid Rehousing: What Happened and What’s Next?
We want to take a moment to update you on what has happened with rapid re-housing over the last few months and what the families being terminated for reaching a time limit are facing in the next few months
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